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7 Signs That Could Indicate Your Child Has Autism

Autism is not a tragedy. Ignorance is the tragedy!

autism signs

Does your kid seem to be growing a little bit slower than other children? Do they have unfamiliar reactions in social positions? Are there any behavioral problems? Well, there is a good possibility that they may be experiencing a condition known as ‘autism’.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder regularly diagnosed through childhood that is defined by abnormal social interactions, issues to communicate with others, and repetitive constant behaviors. According to the DSM-5, a diagnostic manual for mental disorders, this condition includes the previously known autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and other developmental disorders not otherwise specified.

According to the CDC, every one in 68 children in the United States has an autism spectrum disorder, with boys being 4.5 times more likely to have the disease than girls. Notwithstanding the struggle to identify what causes this disorder, its true cause is still not known.

There’s no one medical test that can determine if a child has an autism spectrum disorder, but there are several behaviors and developmental delays that could indicate that your child has autism.

Obviously, only a medical specialist can make a correct diagnosis and a treatment for autism, but you can maintain your eyes out for anything that looks improper and then, if necessary, inform your child’s pediatrician.

Read on to see the lists of the 7 Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Autism.

#7. They Don’t Make Eye Contact

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Kids are typically familiar by nature, they love interacting with their parents, siblings, and other people.

They recognize faces and listen to voices, and they are always observing what people do and say.

Kids with autism, though, may have a more difficult time interacting with adults; and may not respond to eye contact or a parent’s words.

The National Institute of Mental Health explains that children with autism may have “a tendency to look at and listen to other people less often.”

Please, even if you are unsure, have your child evaluated the earlier, the better!

#6. They Don’t Respond To Attempts At Interaction

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This next one is aimed more towards toddlers and young children who have the opportunity, whether it be through school or only going to the playground, to interact with other children. Most of the time, children enjoy playing with other children, as long as they are in a good mood and not feeling cranky or ready for a nap.

Some kids tend to be a little shyer than others, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. If you have a child, however, who do not show interest in other children at all, then this could be a symptom of something a little more serious. This could be a mistake for having an antisocial child, or it could even look like an early sign of anxiety, but not having even the smallest bit of interest in other children can be a sign of autism that most parents should be on the watch out for.

Most people whose children are autistic regularly end up getting out way before this mark, but if the other signs have been ignored as something else, it is possible to not catch on to this until they are slightly older.

#5. They Don’t Babble ( Before kids learn to speak they babble)

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Before kids start to talk, they begin to babble, trying with vowel-like sounds around the age of 6 months. However, babies who may have autism won’t show signs of babbling around the 5 to 6-month marker.

Speech helps to learn, so avoiding early verbal milestones can knock a child’s cognitive improvement off-kilter.

If your child has reached the six-month mark, and you have never heard them babble, coo, or even whine, then this needs to be brought up at their next check-up because it is a definite sign that something is wrong.

A baby who makes no sounds at all could be mute, and this would more than likely be caught well before the six-month mark, but a baby who occasionally cries for food, but does nothing else could very well have other problems going on that should be figured out as soon possible so that they do not fall behind when it comes time for them to start talking and going to school.

#4. They Don’t Point Or Gesture ( To show interest such as waving hello or goodbye ).

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Young Children tend to point at things or make other gestures to show interest and even waving hello and goodbye. A kid with autism spectrum dysfunction won’t look at things they notice or show any interest in things pointed around them.

Not each child will reveal the same symptoms, so it’s best to get consulted by a professional if you imagine your child may have autism spectrum disorder.

Some parents might end up mistaking this for a lazy child who just does not feel like doing these things, and while that could very well be true.

It is also a sign that the child might be autistic, something that you would want to find out sooner rather than later to get your child the appropriate help that they need as quickly as possible so that they do not fall behind. If you ever have any concerns about whether or not your child is up to par with other kids, then a consult with the doctor couldn’t hurt one bit.

The earlier autism can be identified, the better, as younger brains are more adaptable, and intense therapy early on can make an impact on progress.

#3. They Struggle To Communicate

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A child with autism spectrum dysfunction can show a significantly decreased variety of sounds, words, and gestures when they try to talk.

When they’re struggling with something, they may not call out for assistance as other toddlers do.

Toddlers who suffer from autism may not participate with others in playing or shows interest or happiness in what they do. If you mention your toddler consistently doesn’t seek out social interactions with you or other kids, it may be worth consulting with your doctor.

#2. They Show Repetitive Behaviors ( Assigned to as stimming).

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These actions are assigned to as stimming and can include waving items in front of the face, lining up toys that are not intended to be played within that manner, or hand flapping.

Before we continue, don’t forget to check out our new article about secret signs that could indicate your child May Be Getting Bullied in school.

#1. Difficulties Socializing ( Not engaging or communicating with other children).

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Children with autism may not communicate with other children or participate with them. If they are fighting for, they tend to deal with things on their own, preferably than look for assistance.

Although some kids experience several obstacles, some only express one, if your child observes any of the above symptoms, experts suggest seeking out a diagnosis by your Neurologist, Pediatrician, or Psychologist for your child to receive the supplementary care and awareness needed for them to have the most successful, strong, and comfortable life possible.

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Mark Rober

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